We have a special person visiting us on Sunday!
Our wonderful friend and incredible artist Belinda Suzette will be our special guest attending Suitcase Rummage this Sunday September 5....!
Belinda has been the amazing person behind all the beautiful artwork on our flyers and blog and is the artist behind our lovely trumpet man...(our logo!)
This Sunday, Belinda will not only be attending the Rummage - she will be selling some of her amazing creations! These images show her beautiful Tambourines and Rain Catcher Mobiles which she will have on the day....
All made from reclaimed, recycled, pre-loved, hand-made, vintage, fairly-traded, much-loved, keenly-sought materials. Each is unique.
Prices for Rain Catchers start from $35, Tambourines are $80. Belinda will bring a limited range of each. Purchases can also be made online.
We can't wait to see all of this in real life... Looking forward to Sunday!
very exciting..